Grid connected Solar Energy Installations
In the absence of the project activity users, which include local SME industries, households and farmers, draw electricity from the national grid which majorly comprises of fossil fuels based electricity, thus resulting in high GHG emissions.
The project involves installation of multiple microscale Rooftop Solar PV systems of individual unit size ranging from 0.5-500kW with a total capacity of 200MW. The solar electricity output from each installation will meet the consumption of presently grid connected users like marginalized villagers, farmers for agricultural practices, small commercial shops, and cottage, micro, SMEs.
Project Impact Profile
CO2 emission reduction per year
with focus on quality education and capacity building
of renewable, affordable and clean energy generated annually
Skilled/Semi-skilled: 50 for Project Maintenance Unskilled labor: 500 for Implementation
that adopt Clean Energy and eco-friendly practices permanently